Thursday, 9 March 2017

Logan (2017) Review: Thank You Hugh Jackman (5/5)

Directed and written by James Mangold with the screenplay by Scott Frank and Michael Green ‘Logan’ is the last installment to 'The Wolverine Trilogy'.


The film is set in the year of 2029, where the mutant population has shrunk significantly and the X-Men have disbanded. With his powers to self-heal dwindling, Logan (Hugh Jackman) is a weary old man, struggling with a haunting past and a hopeless future, has surrendered himself to alcohol and earns a living as a chauffeur, caring for an ailing old friend Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart), who suffers through degenerative brain disease, which is the last thing a man with the most powerful mind in the world would be willing to possess. Along with all of the adversities in his life, he crosses paths with a young mutant, who turns out to be very much like him.

Despite of a very foreseeable story-line you do get to see some unpredictable moments that can literally shake your world, and for that, I would have to bow down to James Mangold, for sure he is a man made of gold, his way of conducting the film, with the adequate help of Scott Frank and Michael Green in writing screenplay resulted in a very delightful manner, people cannot deny to have relatability of their emotional life to this film’s profound message.
“I knew that it would be my last and I wanted to be able to sleep at nights, satisfied, that I have done everything for the character” – Hugh Jackman

To many, it surely is a tenderly feeling to know that Hugh Jackman will not be coming back as Wolverine again. He inevitably has given everything to this character in defiance of facing some of the lousy characterization in preceding executions, although there is no denial in the fact that the portrayal of the character in ‘Logan’ is by far the first-rate quality you would ever experience & to sugar-coat this delicious piece of loaf I’d like to say Jackman’s performance in ‘Logan’ is the best one out of all. Then we have Dafne Keen as Laura, the young mutant who gets everything moving. This is her first big screen role and she does an incredible job. She balances action with character moments so well. She captures moments of innocence with a simple glance and then flips everything on its head by just widening her eyes.

Hugh Jackman’s work for the character by far has been matchless, many wouldn’t know him by his actual name but they would definitely recognize him by Wolverine. His looks in the character throughout the film series has been outstanding, those Cohiban cigars with those leather biker jackets and spiky hair will undoubtedly be wished for to appear in the future X-Men Projects.


When it comes to acting ‘Jackman-fanboys’ would never consider any other artist to ever match the bar that he has created for the character, parallel to ‘Ledger-Is-The-Only-Joker’ perception, we have already seen much alike notion already.

Here are some talented monsters that can replace Hugh Jackman.